

How do I get support?

Service desk 

If you have queries or are interested in the use of the curriculum progress tools, please contact the Education Service Desk on 0800 422 599 or email:  

An Education Service Desk team member will be available to help determine if they can directly and immediately support you, if they need to seek further technical advice or approach the Progress, Assessment Design and Tools team to respond to queries relating to the use and content of the LPFs or PaCT. 

What are my support options for implementing curriculum progress tools?  

Thanks for your interest in implementing the curriculum progress tools – the LPFs and PaCT – in your school or Kāhui Ako. We have a range of options to support you in implementing these. You are able to access more than one of these supports.

Website resources

This website has been designed to support you to understand and use the two curriculum progress tools: the Learning Progression Frameworks (LPFs) and the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT). Each webpage outlines key messages about the tools and includes a range of resources that you can use in school-based PLD to support teachers to understand the key messages, and reflect on the implications for their practice. Four guides, available from the links below, provide school leaders with a high-level overview of a recommended approach to implementing and using the Curriculum Progress Tools:

How to use the Curriculum Progress Tools in literacy in years 1 to 8

How to use the Curriculum Progress Tools in literacy in years 9 and 10

How to use the Curriculum Progress Tools in mathematics and statistics in years 1 to 8

How to use the Curriculum Progress Tools in mathematics and statistics in years 9 and 10


Regionally Allocated PLD

A Regionally Allocated PLD application to your local Ministry office could allow you access to facilitators who will support you to implement or continue to develop use of the curriculum progress tools, where appropriate. Curriculum Progress Tools are connected to the following PLD priorities: Assessment For Learning, and Local Curriculum Design.