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Student progress report updated
10/12/2018 12:00 AM

The student progress report has been updated to provide more comprehensive information about student progress in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum that will be useful for conversations about student learning. The updated report comprises four components:

  1. The student’s progress in relation to both curriculum expectations and typical student progress and a projection of the student’s likely progress over the next year.
  2. A short description which gives an overview of what students’ can typically do at the part of the scale that the student is achieving at.
  3. The student’s most recent achievement profile across the aspects of the PaCT reading, writing, or mathematics framework.
  4. The opportunity to record comments about the student’s next learning steps and ways to support learning at home.

Teachers can select which components to include when the report is printed or exported as a PDF to use with parents, families, and whānau.

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Student Progress Report Screen Changes Screenshot 2

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Student Progress Report Screen Changes Screenshot 4


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