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On Friday 25th March 2022, the Literacy & communications and maths strategy was launched. You can familiarise yourself with the details on www.education.govt.nz by clicking on these links:
Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna and Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
One of the recommendations from this paper is to replace the existing learning progressions (including the Learning Progression Frameworks and Literacy Learning Progressions). The Strategy work includes:
- replacing the Learning Progression Frameworks for reading and writing and the Literacy Learning Progressions with one progression for schooling which shows the sequence of learning for literacy & communication
- replacing the Learning Progression Framework for mathematics with a progression for schooling which shows the sequence of learning for numeracy.
The Strategy calls to review and replace the LPFs with progressions that, “…include annotated descriptions which explicitly outline the sequences of learning and threshold concepts learners will need to progress and apply across the curriculum. Progressions will be inclusive and culturally sustaining, recognising the diverse ways progress may be demonstrated by individual learners.”
The new progressions will be developed collaboratively, in response to feedback from teachers that they want more leadership, guidance, and support. It will strive to find a good balance between national consistency and local flexibility, so that kaiako and teachers can be responsive to learners in their contexts. These progressions will exist within the Refreshed Curriculum, as opposed to being in a separate space (as the LPFs are).
Changes will take time. An action plan for the strategy’s recommendations will be developed and the timing of some actions will be dependent on future funding and policy decisions. There are not yet any plans to make any changes to PaCT. It will remain an active Ministry tool in its current state. As developments occur through the phased collaborative design work and implementation the Ministry will maintain clear communication channels, and no sudden changes will happen.
Advice for Schools that are new or existing CPTs Users
We recommend that you continue your journey with the CPTs as planned. The Refreshed Curriculum will incorporate a progression-based model. Using a progressions-based teaching and learning model, such as the LPFs, is good practice to prepare for the changes to come.
Further Information
For questions and comments about the Strategy, please email Literacy.Communication.Maths@education.govt.nz
For questions and comments about refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum, please email nationalcurriculum.refresh@education.govt.nz
For questions and comments about the CPTs, please email progress.tools@education.govt.nz