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New functions added to support NCEA Literacy and Numeracy Standards
With the latest changes, PaCT can help teachers to determine readiness for students to be assessed against the NCEA Literacy and Numeracy standards. These standards sit at approximately Level 4/5 of the New Zealand Curriculum whereby a student has full control over Level 4 and is ready to work at Level 5. The standards will include literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy. You can find more information about the standards here.
The following features have been added in this update:
- Judgments can be made for students up to year 13
- NCEA readiness band included as an additional function on PaCT reports
- Able for teacher to manually indicate readiness when making a judgment for the learner
Further Details about Feature 1:
- This has been added to allow schools to continue to use PaCT to track progress through the LPFs beyond year 10.
- The LPFs were designed to reflect the significant signposts from school entry to the end of year 10.
- This may be useful to track learners in year 11-13 that are not making expected progress.
- No new signposts have been added to the LPFs.
Further Details about Feature 2:
- This will be displayed in the form of a green band.
- The band will automatically be toggled on when viewing a cohort of Year 9 or above learners.
- For reading and mathematics, the green band sits at 750-850 of the PaCT scale. This sits between Level 4 and 5 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
- For writing, the green band sits at 800-900 of the PaCT scale. Like reading and mathematics, this still aligns between Level 4 and 5 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
- The band can be displayed when confirming a judgment and viewing reports
Further Details about Feature 3:
- The manual indicator is in the form of a checkbox that teachers can choose to tick or untick.
- This tick box will appear on the ‘Confirm Judgment’ page that can be accessed after all aspect judgments have been made for a learner.
- The purpose of the tick box is to allow teachers to create another point of data based on their judgment
- The data will appear as “Confirmed” or “Unconfirmed”
- The data will be attached to the overall judgment
- The data can be used to filter judgments that are “Confirmed” or “Unconfirmed” when viewing Reports that include Year 9 or above learners
For example, refer to the images below: