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July enhancements to PaCT
The demo site has been updated with enhancements to PaCT that will take place in July. The enhancements are primarily focused on streamlining the judgment making process.
- The two most efficient views for making judgments will be the default views, and both will be accessible from the judgments home screen. Group mode will be the default view for making judgments for groups of students, and all aspects mode will be the default view for making judgments for individual students.
- Aspect judgments will be made with a single click.
- When making aspect judgments, teachers will be able to see information on any aspects that have previously been judged. This includes the date the judgment was made, and the name of the teacher who made the judgment. Information on previous judgments will also be available from the confirm judgments screen. This will be useful when more than one teacher is responsible for making judgments, for example in a secondary school.
- School leaders will be able to delete any previous overall judgments made within their school at any time.
- PaCT administrators will be able to choose the amount of time teachers have to make aspect judgments and confirm an overall judgment, selecting anywhere from one to twenty-six weeks for the judgment confirmation period. Using this functionality, schools will be able to enter aspect judgments over a couple of terms as units of work are completed, and PaCT will store these judgments for teachers to review when they confirm their overall judgments mid-year or at the end of the year.
Watch the screencast for a more detailed description of the upcoming changes to PaCT judgments.
The July enhancements to PaCT also include a couple of changes to PaCT reports, with further enhancements to the reports scheduled for October.
- On the student progress report, hovering over a confirmed judgment will reveal a pop-up showing the PaCT range of the judgment, the date and student’s year level when the judgment was confirmed, and a link to the achievement report for the judgment. The overall judgments tab, which currently includes this functionality, will be removed.
- The expected curriculum progress line and the shaded typical progress band will be added to both the school and Kāhui Ako reports. Hovering over one of the box and whisker plots on these reports will show a pop-up with the number of students in a quartile, and a list of these students. This will make it easier to compare results for your school to both expected and typical progress.
The screencast below describes these changes to PaCT repots in more detail.
You can try out these changes for yourself in the PaCT demo site.